Tuesday 15 January 2008

Snow Makes Travel Hazardous

This seemed a natural topic for today, as we're dealing with severe weather conditions where I live. A number of teachers drive from out of town, and we had some close calls. It's easy to forget how much more careful you have to be when traveling in inclement weather. Some things to remember:

If you're traveling by car:

-SLOW DOWN! Get there alive, not fast.
-If possible, postpone your trip until conditions improve
-Check local weather forecasts to learn about road conditions
-Make sure your car has blankets and supplies to keep you warm in the event that your car breaks down or you have an accident.

If you're traveling by other methods:

-Be prepared for delays. If it's not safe to take off, they're not going to do it, no matter how badly you want to get home.
-Remain calm and keep your temper: bad weather makes people edgy.
-Support the staff and pilots, engineers, etc.: It's not their fault that the weather took a turn for the worse, and they don't make the call regarding whether you get to travel or not.

Follow these simple rules for a safer, more enjoyable experience!

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