Wednesday 27 July 2011

The World's most expensive hotel room

What will £40,000 get you in this day in age? A fairly hefty deposit on a house? A top of the range sports car? Yep, both of these are worthwhile investments that are sure to bring hours of pleasure in the future. But how about spending all of that well earned buck on one night of pure, frivalous unadulterated hotel luxury!?

At the Royal penthouse suite of the President Wilson hotel in Geneva, the going rate for one night is a staggering 40k. In this one room, or should I say entire floor, you are treated to your own private elevator, four bedrooms, six bathrooms, a cocktail lounge and a terrace with lovely views overlooking Lake Geneva - "Not bad", I hear you say.
Well how about the marble and hardwood floors that adorn the exquisitely designed living space or the dining table that can accommodate 28 people?
Of course, all of this expense is backed up by incredible security as it is often used as a base for important diplomats and World leaders. Bullet proof glass comes as standard as well as the obligatory panic room should anyone dare infiltrate these Fort Knoxian esque digs!

With all this and so much more, it's little wonder that the World's most expensive hotel room upholds Geneva's reputation as one of the most expensive places in the World (or maybe it's just the exchange rate)
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