Our first entrant is a bona-fide icon. Christ the Redeemer is a 40metre tall statue looming large over Brazil's capital, Rio. It's the first thing you will notice when you land here and the sheer scale and detail of this huge monolith will endure in the memory for a lifetime. I could spend a week writing about how this statue was built, but I'll leave you, loyal reader, to discover this by your own accord.
Next up, why not go for a scuba at the Great Barrier Reef. An obvious choice you may say. but once you have visited this vast haven for marine life then you really will appreciate why this destination is such a clear-cut choice. When you take to the pristine waters you'll see the world of Finding Nemo come to life and once your done in the water you can take to once of the neighbouring idyllic beaches for a relaxation session.
For something completely different, take a trip to Iceland and take a dip in the Blue Lagoon. This mystical place is surround by untouched, white snow but you'll experience quite the opposite when you step into the bath-warm waters and take in the breathtaking wonder of this all-round once-in-a-lifetime cerebral experience.
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