It may seem a little early to be thinking about 2010, after all there’s still plenty to do in 2009. However, when it comes to viewing a solar eclipse, it makes sense to get your booking in early. On January 15th 2010 the moon will pass between the sun and the earth creating an annular solar eclipse that can be viewed along a narrow corridor of the earth, creating a truly fantastic sight for those who happen to be standing in the right place. Indeed, this will be the longest annular eclipse of the 3rd millennium and it will be visible across Africa, the Indian Ocean, India, Sri Lanka and South East Asia.
In case you’re wondering, a total eclipse happens when the sun is completely blocked out by the moon, with only the corona of the sun visible around the moon. An annular eclipse happens when the apparent size of the moon is smaller than the sun, so that the sun appears as a very bright ring surrounding the moon.
So now could well be the time to think about grabbing a cheap flight or holiday package to get yourself to the right place at the right time. So where should you head for?
Places that are proving popular as eclipse viewing venues are the Indian tropical paradise of Kerala, Lake Nakuru in Kenya, renowned for its beauty and abundance of wildlife. Or you could always head for China and see the eclipse from the Yangtze River, Xi’an City Wall, or the pretty city of Dali in Yunnan province.
It’s a once in a lifetime experience, so it could be worth pushing the boat out!
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