There was a time when it was de rigeur to spend Christmas at home, much of the time spent slaving away over meal preparations. However recent years have seen an increase in people going away for Christmas, with sometimes whole extended families taking off together for Christmas in the sun, free from the worries of catering. Forget spending most of Christmas Day cooking a three or four course meal, and tearing your hair out over the one important item that you forgot to buy. Forget all the worry about stocking up with food and drinks as if you are going to be under siege for a couple of weeks. Go away and let the hotel worry about the catering.
But are you put off by the fact that going away will just add even more to the stupendous expense that Christmas is anyway? Well, you might actually be pleasantly surprised. You will save the money that you would have spent catering for Christmas, and some parents have an agreement with their children that the holiday is the present. Likewise couples.
Add to all this the fact that hotels really know how to do Christmas a treat with fantastic food, plenty of champagne, fancy dress parties, quizzes, and lots of activities. And isn’t nice to have lots of new people to talk to at Christmas, instead of family and friends spending the day hermetically sealed from the outside world with nothing to do but eat and play charades?
So if you feel like breaking with tradition, stick around, because in my next post I will offer some suggestions on where to go for Christmas.
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