Monday 19 November 2007

#18: Big Bear

Big Bear provides two things: a great skiing experience and an excuse to go to California!

That's right, California. We're on the opposite coast now. You probably don't think of California and skiing together very often, but California has more than just a beautiful climate: it has mountains, and where there are mountains, you can strap something to your feet and make your way down.

Big Bear Mountain is 8 900 feet high and gets snow every winter. And even if there's a freakish hot spell, Big Bear has the capability to make up to 5 feet of snow artificially! Big Bear is aimed at hot doggers: you'll find a lot of places to show off your skills and get a little crazy on its slopes.

That doesn't mean only hard core ski aficionados should check out Big Bear Mountain, though. The nearby town site offers a quaint village atmosphere and many fun activities, including jet skiing and windsurfing. If you want to keep skiing but need a change of pace, there's a 7 000 foot mountain nearby (Snow Summit Mountain) with its own share of thrills and trails.

Big Bear is a great opportunity if you like to ski but don't necessarily want it to consume your entire holiday. Since Big Bear is only two hours east of Los Angeles, you're always near the excitement. You can make a day trip, but it's worth staying the night. Think about making Big Bear part of your next holiday out west!

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