Thursday 15 November 2007


With winter coming, it's only natural for a traveler's thoughts to turn toward SKIING! There are so many great places to ski you really can't miss. Just about anywhere you want to go in the world, you'll find a handy hill or mountain you can whiz down at the speed of wind!

If you're not a skier, don't think a ski resort is off-limits for you. First of all, there are a lot of easy resorts aimed at families, and you're sure to find something to do – don't make the mistake of thinking the only thing to do on a ski holiday is, well, ski. Most ski resorts also offer ski lessons, and they almost all have easy beginner hills where it's nearly impossible to fall.

The great thing about ski resorts is that almost all of them are multi-level. Even if you're a beginner, you're daughter's intermediate, and your father's an expert, there's a resort that will accommodate everyone. There's nothing quite like a long day of exhilarating cold followed by a hot fire and a mug of cocoa!

This month we're going to look at some of the best places to ski across the world. There are a lot of neat destinations out there: hopefully, you'll find one that calls to you!

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