Monday 12 November 2007

Mixing Business with Pleasure

From weekend jaunts to a nearby city to month long treks across Europe, every holiday has its own unique charms. Even business travel can be fun if you approach it with the right attitude. Of course, this assumes you're not going to spend your entire weekend trapped in a hotel in the middle of nowhere, but if you have even a little bit of free time, there are some quick, fun ways to take in the local ambience.

-Get a local business associate to take you to one of the city's hidden treasures – someplace off the beaten track, known only to the locals

-Explore the area surrounding your hotel on foot (but make sure you find out if it's safe, first).

-Head for a local pub with some fellow tourists

-Check with hotel staff to see if there are any fun evening activities you can check into

-Feel free to skip pre-planned social engagements if you can get away with it. You're there to conduct business, true, but why stick around for dull, organized events when you can check out a bit of local color? Make sure you attend official functions and blow off the rest.

Those are just a few ideas. I frequently travel for business, and I always manage to have a blast (WITHOUT getting fired). Don't let the words "business trip" deter you from having fun!

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