Tuesday 18 December 2007

Thoughts on Traveling with Children

As a teacher, I have WAY too much exposure to kids! One thing I've realized, though, is that kids are actually pretty easy to please. They're just as happy with a family camping trip as they are with a voyage to Disneyland (well, almost). There are a couple things you can do, though, to make your family holiday run a little smoother.

1. Build it up. Even if you're not sure the kids will have much interest in where you're going next, try to get them excited. When they're on board, they won't drive you crazy whining. And you might be surprised what they find interesting!

2. Feed them properly. I'm not saying not to give the kids a bit of an extra treat now and then, but if you stuff them with hot dogs, sugar, and fast food, they're going to be tired and cranky. Treats are fine, but square meals are important, too.

3. Make sure they get enough rest. Schedule nap time into your day if you have to. Try to avoid the hottest parts of the day if you're in a tropical location, and bundle them up warmly if you're someplace cold.

4. Involve them in picking a few special spots for your holiday destinations. If they feel like they have a stake in the trip, they'll be more likely to view it positively.

5. Make sure you pack plenty of small, portable, age-appropriate entertainment and diversions: colouring books, reading books, travel games, puzzles, even video games: things to keep them occupied in the car, on the plane, and even in the hotel room.

6. Check with your hotel. Many hotels offer babysitting services. Don't be afraid to let the kids take advantage of the hotel pool with a caregiver while you have a night on the town. After all, it's your holiday, too!

With a bit of planning, traveling with children can be fun for everyone -- even if you get stuck in three hour lines at Disneyland!

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